By Josh Jeffers
One of the hardest things for me to learn as a dog trainer in Sacramento was how to properly communicate with my dogs. Don’t get me wrong my dogs had great obedience skills. I just wasn’t feeling like my pups were engaged with me. As a trainer I fell into the trap of preforming the same work routine for my dog Meka day in and day out. This made her great at commands, but she never really looked at me. I was missing the most important aspect of dog training, ATTENTION. She just wasn’t that interested in me. Now that I think of it I wouldn’t have any interest in a boss that made me preform the same mindless tasks everyday. I would want to work for someone that inspires me, drives me, and pushes me to be the best version of myself everyday. Shouldn’t it be the same relationship my dog has with me? It should and that’s the kind of leader I want to be for her.
Simply by playing games with her and being sincere with my rewards I have been able to not only gain her attention but better our relationship. She now looks at me eagerly waiting to be given another command instead of preforming a robotic movement that looks forced. Now that I have her complete attention, no distraction in the world is better then my love or praise for her as she now looks to me for guidance.
Having Meka’s trust in me as her Dad is one of the greatest feelings in the world, but as a trainer I had to learn that trust is not forced, It’s earned and learned.
Let Sit Happens Dog Training show you the way to a better relationship with your dog. Then you too can “Live Beyond The Leash”.
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